Monday, October 28, 2013


Yep, I'm in a tripanionship now. It's been fun. It's crazy that another week has come and gone.

Monday 21- We went downtown to get a district photo because Sister Marshall was being transferred. We got some hot chocolate then we were picked up by Brother Rose. We went over to the first new investigator of the week, Mrs. Hoff. Brother Hoff is a less-active member but he wants his children to be raised Mormon. Mrs. Hoff is from China and is somewhat interested in learning. We set up weekly appointments with them so we'll see them again tonight. Then Brother Rose came with us to see Waiting and Jianming. It was a pretty good lesson but we should have planned better. It's hard to plan lessons on P-day.

Tuesday 22- We knew we were getting a new missionary and we thought he was coming right around 1-ish. Normally, we would have gone to the transfer meeting but since we only had bikes and we were just gaining one more so they told us not to go. We didn't want to leave and not be home when he got there. We kept waiting and waiting. Finally, Elder Langford showed up around 3:30. We got him settled in and went to dinner with Tim and the Single's Ward missionaries. It was pretty fun. Then, we all went to the Bishop's daughter's baptism. Waiting and Jianming were also there. It was very good and everyone liked it. We also introduced Waiting and Jianming to the Bishop.

Wednesday 23- We got haircuts with the Ann Arbor 2nd Ward Elders from an investigator named Sophie. My hair is very short now. Sophie actually lives in their area so we're going to hand her off to them tonight. Then we were riding over to see Albert when it started to snow. And it was sunny. The picture that's just the blue sky and the sun with the corner of a building? That's when it was snowing on us. Crazy Michigan weather. Then we taught Albert with a member there about the Jaredites and how we receive answers to our prayers. Then we had dinner at the Stein house. They're a great member family and they're super missionary minded. Their daughter, still in middle school, invited her entire class to the Chinese Culture night (no one showed up though...). Then we had a party-thing with an investigator. There was hot chocolate and we had Tim-Tam Slams. And there were small children and it was just fun. The investigators there were Margarita and Shoma. Two very cool people. We had to walk home in the cold after that.

Thursday 24- We saw Marcela with Brother Ayala. We read 1 Nephi 11 with her. She wants to be baptized and we put her on date for the 23 of November also but she's struggling to keep commitments. Then we had our Chinese culture night. It was really fun, there was ping pong and traditional Chinese food and making dumplings. There was a man who showed up to church from China just the last Sunday named Dr. Shu. He came and basically made the dumplings for us and brought friends, it was great! There were a bunch of non-members there and it was just fun. We were walking home when we saw one of our neighbors. We taught him a lesson out in the cold at 9 PM. It's always fun when that happens.

Friday 25- We had a bi-zone conference with Elder Carlson of the Seventy. We had a lot of jokes about that, because I'm also Elder Carlson. It was about being a more consecrated missionary. I came out of there with a lot of things I needed to do. The unfortunate thing: I had a 24-hour bug, so I used a lot of tissues during that meeting. When we got home, we had an appointment but I was feeling sick so we split up. Elder Shepherd went with a member to an appointment with Sophie Harrison (giving her also to the 2nd Ward Elders) and Elder Langford and I stayed home to nap. I was pulling back the covers, all ready to sleep when I got a phone call. It was a member family asking if we were coming to dinner. Apparently, there was a mis-communication between our meal coordinator and us, so we didn't know about the dinner. So we quickly got ready to go out and Brother Takayama picked us up to have dinner at his house. They're a Japanese family with a 17-year-old son. They're super nice. We got back home, planned and slept.

Saturday 26- We had to do weekly planning. It took forever but we ordered pizza in the middle of it so that was good. Then we went to a trunk-or-treat. Got some candy and gave scriptures to little kids. It was pretty fun. Then we had dinner and went our to try to see some members. Our bikes are not the greatest and need some tune-up and the members we were trying to see repair bikes for a hobby. They weren't home but we ran into the second new investigator of the week, Ruiz. I just said "hi" to him. He came over and started to talk to us. He's a really nice guy and wants to learn more. We were walking somewhere else when we found the members we wanted to see and a bunch of others at a party just a few doors down from his. He had said he felt kind of lonely. His schooling is really tough and his roommates are always gone. So we went back to invite him to the party. He hadn't eaten dinner yet, so he made some for himself and a little for us. It was really good. It was some noodles, chicken and some assorted vegetables. It was kind of spicy, but it tasted delicious. Then we brought him over. They gave him a pumpkin to carve and he had a blast. We biked over to correlation meeting.

Sunday 27- We had the primary program at church. So great. We had 3 investigators at church. Then we had ward council, which took forever. We went home, had lunch then went over to the Meyer's for dinner with Tim. They had spaghetti with homemade pesto and home-grown tomatoes in their tomato sauce. It was really good. They also had the apple bread pudding that was so good. They're just a really nice family. He actually was in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir but he moved to Michigan to live with his dad. Then we saw Margarita and Shoma with Brother Dethloff and talked about the Book of Mormon. It was a really good lesson.

Missionary work is hard, but it's worth it! I hope your week goes well all of you.

-Elder Michael Carlson

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