Monday, March 3, 2014

A Week of Just Stuff

This past week, I walked 16597 steps, a pretty sedentary week. We also didn't eat a whole lot this week, most missionaries get $150 in Michigan. For the month of February, I got $80. So we had no money this past week. I was pretty unhappy about it.

The Short of Things:
We got sisters this week which is pretty different. We taught some great lessons to some wonderful people. There was also stake conference which was good. But I had to endure all 6 hours of it, instead of the 2 that I'm used to. It's been a good week though.

The Long of Things:
Monday 24- After our p-day activities, we had dinner with Nicole, Emilee and the north Elders as a last hurrah. It was pretty fun.

Tuesday 25- We didn't go to transfers as initially suspected to take the north Elders. We contacted some referrals and saw some people who really needed our help. We saw Bishop and he told us to go see some people, which was nice. Then we saw Kimmie because she's been feeling under the weather recently.

Wednesday 26- We had district meeting for a while. It was weird to see all the new faces. Out of the 9 people in our district, only 4 have stayed the same. We tried to see some people who weren't home. And then we taught Kate at Emilee's house. It was a super great lesson. Emilee helped to alleviate Kate's concerns and it was just super good. We had splits that evening.

Thursday 27- We took the car to the shop to have them fix something. Our car is pretty old in terms of mission vehicles. That took a while. Then we had dinner at Emilee's. We went to the I'm a Mormon devotional. It was pretty good. Nicole spoke and we sang (all the missionaries).

Friday 28- We had weekly planning for a while. Then we had our media hour. We went to go see Sister Rumbley and we taught her granddaughter. It was a really great lesson. Then we went to go get gas but all of the gas stations we went to were having troubles, but finally, we got gas. We tried to go see a referral who had set up an appointment with us but no one was home.

Saturday 1- This was a day full of much sitting. We went with the Bishop to go see some people before Stake conference. Then we had lunch at Chipoltle with him, much delicious. Then we had a leadership training meeting. They talked about how the leaders of the church need to be doing better at finding and reactivating to show an example to all the other members. We had dinner with all the missionaries there. Then there was the adult session. It was pretty good but we had to sit on the metal chairs and they were uncomfortable.

Sunday 2- We had the general session of stake conference. We got cushy chairs this time. We had lunch with the Moceris and the Kohlers and had a very good lesson with them. Then we had dinner with Emilee shortly afterwards. It was good though. Then we went to see the Myers and had a study session with Brother Myers about Genesis 50 JST and 1 Nephi 8:12 it was fun.

That's about this week. I love you all!

-Elder Michael Carlson

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