Monday, September 22, 2014

Finally Got a Good Computer

Well here I am on a fairly decent computer - able to type with relative ease. This past week was pretty crazy. It is really hot here in JP. I feel like I'm melting every day but Mom can rest at ease, I use sunscreen every day. We almost had a baptism yesterday but he got pretty sick. Speaking of sick, I lost my voice, more or less, for I think the first time in my life. I can still talk but I have a bunch of gunk in my throat and my voice is all deep. But I'm still chugging along. Last week was 115224 steps or 69.13 KM. Most of this past week has been spent finding as the other Elders left just one person to work with. So we shall see what happens next week. Elder Jones is my companion. He's from Texas. He's a pretty funny guy. I think I'll still have a good transfer. The ward I'm in is pretty great. We have a member to teach with us every day this next week. It'll be good. I'm looking forward to it.

Until next week, love you all!

-Elder Michael Carlson

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