Monday, December 15, 2014

Catolé II

100231 steps 60.13 km. After a year and a half of faithfully working, my pedometer finally needs a new battery. Just another sign of how mission-old I'm getting. It's kind of weird to think that some of the things that I have will last me until the end of my mission, like my sunscreen. It's coming so fast. Well, there's not really much to say about these last 3 days. We walked a lot and did a lot of contacts. I'm in a pretty rich area now, so that's both good and bad. Good, because lunch is excellent. Bad, because no one wants to listen. One fun thing that happened: A member asked me if I had a brazilian parent because my portuguese was that good. Other than that, pretty boring over all.

Love you all, remember Christ this Christmas season!

-Elder Michael Carlson

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