Monday, February 9, 2015

Interviews and a Very Full Saturday

105756 steps, 63.45 km. So, this past week, we had interviews with the president, where I learned some interesting things. It was my companion's birthday yesterday. Fortunately, we avoided being egged (a popular Brazilian custom for birthdays) and had a huge lunch of tacos at the stake president's house. Saturday was a pretty crazy day this past week. We had appointments every hour of the day. We were almost running from one thing to another. We taught a bunch of great lessons and we had a couple people in church (which we haven't had in quite a long time). We had a full, rewarding week and now I shall rest much today. We played volleyball this morning with some members of the ward, which was fun. I lost the first game but it was a close loss. Then the second game, my team won 15-3, which was gratifying. But then I didn't play anymore because I hurt my toe this past week. OH! Something that I forgot. We also had a service project on Saturday. We took the roof tiles off a house, cleaned the tiles, replaced the woodwork of the roof and then put the tiles back on. It was heavy, dirty work but we got it done in the end. It was nice to be able to help someone like that.

Until next week,

-Elder Michael Carlson

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