Monday, December 23, 2013

South to Canada!

That's right, here we have to go south to get to Canada. This past week, I took 25173 steps, an all time high!

Monday 16- After doing the normal P-day stuff (shopping, scum, emails, Taco Bell), we had dinner at the Myers' house. We both felt a little sick so I felt bad that we didn't eat much. But it was good food. They're a nice family.

Tuesday 17- We had zone conference! We talked about asking inspired questions. It was good. I met a bunch of new missionaries. Lot of missionaries there. Then we had exchanges. I went with Elder Olsen to Warren West. We had bikes there which was fun. We biked through about 3-4 inches of snow. We saw a less-active member and tried to see some people but no one was home. I worked on a puzzle for the evening and got about halfway done.

Wednesday 18- I finished the puzzle. Then we had more biking through the snow. We tracted for a while and our one appointment was a no-show. We exchanged back and then saw Emilee. She's getting baptized this Saturday! Woo Hoo! Then we had splits at the church. Brother Myers, Elder Betts, Sale and I went to see the Fustin's, a less-active couple.

Thursday 19- Dentist!!!! I had my entire face numbed while the dentist took out 6 cavities. The actual appointment took about 3 hours. Then we stayed at home for a while so that my face would feel normal again. We saw the McGill's and then met with Emilee to go to the 'I'm A Mormon Devotional'. It was great, there was a man named Cash and he was just funny. He was very open about his story. I laughed a lot.

Friday 20- Weekly planning! Then we had our media hour. Then we helped set up for the Christmas party. I built a manger. It was pretty good. We had a few investigators and a few less-active members there. Then the kids put on the Nativity. Also, the food was good.

Saturday 21- We had apartment inspections. We passed! Our apartment was clean enough! Then we saw Emilee. We were going to have dinner with Sister Kerr but I think she was called into work. We went with Brother Myers to see a couple people. One of them let us in but has like 12 cats. My allergies got really bad.

Sunday 22- We had the Christmas program. All the primary children sang a couple songs. There's only like 13 of them though. It's not a big ward. We had a lot of less-active members come to church though, which was great. Then we hung out with the North Elders for a while. We ate dinner with one of their recent converts. It was pretty fun.

Merry Christmas! I love you all so much!

-Elder Michael Carlson

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