Monday, November 4, 2013

Beware, for winter is coming!

It has been getting colder but your prayers (in addition to coats) have been keeping me warm.

Monday 28- After last P-day, we saw a less active member named Monique and her boyfriend Mazin. Monique was a member until she was 12 when she moved and went less active. She moved here to Ann Arbor and was in the middle of a bunch of members so that was cool. We taught her the restoration.

Tuesday 29- Exchanges!!! I and Elder Langford went with a zone leader named Elder Cowan. We saw a less active member named Carl. We've seen him a couple times but this time he really opened up to us. It was a really good lesson. Then we saw a member named Janet. We had a really quick lesson with a woman named Tasha. We met her a couple weeks ago and she's interested but she works all the time. Then we saw a couple named the Nagels. We do service there sometimes. We had a short lesson and headed over to see Waiting with Tim. It was a pretty good lesson but I was really tired and said some really stupid things.

Wednesday 30- We went to see Albert and Cindy with the Wendt's. They tag-teamed it. Since they have children, one went for about half an hour, then they switched. It was a good lesson about the Plan of Salvation. I'm really glad Cindy was there to hear it. Then we saw Bendito from Mozambique. There's apparently a Brazilian museum in Detroit that he's taking his class to but it's way out of our zone, so I don't know if I can go. Then we saw Marcela with Brother Garrett. It started out as a really good lesson but then it dragged on for a while and it got less good. We ended it before it got bad though. Then we saw another less-active member named Sister Canton. I'm not too sure what was taught, I was too absorbed with her kittens. But unfortunately, I'm allergic to cats...

Thursday 31- Halloween!!!! That means a really early curfew. It was raining really hard all day. We went to the library for our time. Then we stopped by some member referrals but none were really interested. We went to the apartment before our dinner appointment because our pants were soaked and we needed to change. We had a dinner with the Ward's, super nice people. They have a bunch of kids and the sisters were there too so it made for a huge party. We went back to the apartment at 6 and studied Alma 17-27 and discussed how we could be better missionaries.

Friday 1- We got a media referral so we contacted them. It was a Chinese woman named Jing. It was a good lesson, we just talked about God. She wanted to meet with us because she had been talking with other Christian churches and they all called the Mormons a cult and she doesn't like that word, so she wanted to know what we were about. But then one of our neighbors sat down, who's really nice but then they started talking about politics in China and the conversation got out of our control. We saw Marcela with Brother Garrett again. It was a really short lesson but it was super good. She's progressing really well. Then we saw a man named Ali. He's a really cool guy but he works a lot. That was the first time I've seen him, I think. We went over and taught Jianming a really quick lesson. Then we shared a quick scripture with the Parks who are members.

Saturday 2- We finally went to get my bike some brake pads. I had not had any for a couple days so riding a bike was fun. We got them changed out and it was really nice to be able to stop again. A member helped us with our bikes and he told me, "That brake pad is the grossest one I have ever seen, this needs to be thrown away immediately!" It was worn down so badly that it was scraping metal off the rim. Then we had lunch at an Indian restaurant called Cardamom. I got some chicken curry stuff and it was good. Then we saw the Nagel's again. They had company over so it was kind of awkward but we taught them. Then we went to a baptism for the single's ward. Sister Canton came but our investigator we invited did not. We were picked up by a member and went to see the Suwarto's. We taught them the restoration quickly and it was really good. Then we had missionary correlation meeting. We left early to go see Dr. Xhu. We had recently gotten his address and we tried to see him. We buzzed him to see if he'd let us in. Nothing, but we decided to use the door on the other side. Turns out, it was unlocked. We went up to see him and teach him. We dropped off a couple pamphlets and fixed his computer for him. So it was good.

Sunday 3- Fast Sunday! I almost forgot that it was fast Sunday. Testimonies were good. We had two less actives and four investigators at church, which was awesome! After church, we had ward missionary correlation and planned a lot of good things. We tried to go see a potential but she was feeling sick. So instead, we went with Brother Garrett to see Marcela. She wasn't feeling good either but she's been going through some hard things and needed us. So Elder Shepherd went with Brother Garrett to see her and Elder Langford and I went to find something else to do. We didn't have bikes or a cell phone and all the people around there weren't home. The houses had been tracted recently so we weren't sure what to do. We tried to see the Bishop, not home also. It was kind of awkward for us. We saw Yenny with Brother McNaughtan. It was a really cool lesson. She doesn't speak English very well. She told us that she had a dream about our lesson and she told us that she feels happy whenever we talk with her. Then we saw another member referral, Soo. It turns out that her roommate is Brother McNaughtan's classmate. It's a small world. Then we saw Dr. Xhu again really quickly.

Monday 4- We did a lot of cleaning. Then we saw Albert and Cindy and taught a very disorganized second half of the Plan of Salvation. We met up with a bunch of other missionaries to play basketball and chair soccer. It was pretty fun and I got quite a workout.

I love you all!

-Elder Michael Carlson

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