Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Biking through the snow on a two-wheeled metal horse!

[the title is supposed to be sung to the tune of the beginning of "Jingle Bells"]

That's right! It snowed in Ann Arbor yesterday. About half an inch I'd say. And we had to bike through it.

Monday 4- We went shopping after emailing and we got a pizza which was fun.

Tuesday 5- We had district meeting today because there were going to be semi-exchanges. I went down to the Ann Arbor 2nd Ward area because on Wednesday, Elders Langford and Shepherd had a special meeting that I wasn't invited to. I went to some less-actives but no one was home. Then we had dinner with an awesome family named the Christensen's. They're super cool.

Wednesday 6- We saw a lady named Stella who was very nice. She has 3 quite funny dogs. There was one who was on the couch and really wanted to jump onto my lap but the dog thought it was too far so it just whimpered and wagged its tail. Then we made really good burritos with chicken, diced potatoes and ranch dressing. It was delicious. We went tracting for a while which was pretty fun. We just joked around and had a ball. Then we saw their best investigator, a Russian named Mike. He was really awesome. Brother Shumway brought us dinner because his wife was sick. They're not related to Sister Shumway who was in our ward a couple years ago, I asked. Then we saw a really nice less-active. He started working for Ford in IT right about when we moved to Oregon.

Thursday 7- We went to a Coney Island for breakfast and I got steak and eggs for $5. It was good. I was quite full afterwards. When the 2nd Ward Elders dropped me off at the apartment, Elders Shepherd and Langford had made a mess of the place just to annoy me. I was not amused. Then we saw Carl and talked to him about prayer. Then we had dinner with the Meyers at Roger Monk's. It was super good. I got a burger with bacon and Gruyere cheese. We got gift cards from an investigator who we helped move out. They also had some really good creme brulee. Then we had a Book of Mormon class with Tim while Elder Shepherd went with Brother McNaughtan to see Quincy. Both were very good.

Friday 8- Weekly Planning! Always takes so long. Mostly because we don't stay focused. Elder Shepherd and a member met with Jing while Elder Langford and I met with Mr. Nagel. He's an older gentleman who's really nice. His wife is gone for the week so we went to see him to make sure he wasn't too lonely. Then we had dinner with the Moon's. Their baby, Joseph, is pretty adorable. Then we had a lesson with a Korean man named Parker. There was a pretty big language barrier though. Then we saw a girl named Fiona who we met on the bus about a month ago. We had been trying to see her for a while but she's always busy. Then we tried to see someone else but we pushed the wrong buzzer on the apartment but we got three new Chinese investigators. I don't know their names though.

Saturday 9- We had an investigator baptism! Not one of ours though. Then we saw another Korean man, named Yohann. It's always fun talking to him. His dad has a degree in the New Testament and is a baptist preacher. And he worked for the Korean government. He's a knowledgeable guy. Then we saw one of his neighbors by chance and started talking to him. He's from India. Then we saw the 3 new Chinese investigators again. We had correlation meeting until late.

Sunday 10- Church was good. We had 7 investigators there! We saw Dr. Xhu and gave him an Chinese Book of Mormon. Then we had dinner with the Garrett's. They're both ward missionaries and they're super cool. Brother Garrett went to Paris on his mission, speaking French, but while he was there, he learned Mandarin, mostly for fun. Then we saw Waiting and Jianming with him so he could translate. It was a good lesson. Then we saw Albert to plan his baptism.

Monday 11- P-day. We played basketball with a bunch of Elders for a few hours and I did alright for myself. Mostly luck but it was fun. It went rather long though. We went to lunch at the same Coney Island and I got a Gyro dinner, which was very good and very filling. It started snowing and we were pretty surprised. But then we got sad when we realized that we had to bike through it. Then we saw Waiting again to plan her baptism and we got it all sorted out. Then we went to the McNaughtan's to tell him what we had got worked out. They fed us some homemade rolls, which were delicious.

That's about it for this past week.

-Elder Michael Carlson

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