Monday, March 16, 2015

Crazy Week

97721 steps or 58.63 km. So this week, I got 8 letters, which was pretty great. I rather enjoyed it. However, one of them was dated from the 3rd of November. I honestly don't know how letters can be so held back. Also, we had a member go teaching with us 3 different days this week, so that was pretty great. During one lesson with a less active, the phone just started exploding. The secretaries were asking which airport that I wanted to arrive home at (trunkiness ensued). Then, the president called, telling me he had a package for me in Campina Grande, but in a different chapel and that I should come get it, but we couldn't go, so we had to find someone else to grab it for us. It finally all worked out in the end. So, I got my birthday package, which was quite nice. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to open it though. Church was really good this past week. Someone shared a story of a small cow who wanted to eat wheat (which would kill it), so she threw rocks at it until it ran away from the wheat but then she came back and the cow had eaten so much that it was too late. And how sometimes, we need to accept the spiritual rocks to help us to avoid killing ourselves spiritually.

Overall, it was a pretty good week.

Love you all!

-Elder Michael Carlson

[We asked Michael a couple of questions in a separate email and these are his answers]

[What are your three favorite things about Brazil so far?]

First: I like that there are people who are open to listen to what we have to say (a lot more than in the US). Second: They have a lot of crazy fruits that I like but that I've never heard about before. Third: If you ever wanted a tan, Brazil is the place.

[What did you do (or are you doing) for P-Day this week?]

We buy stuff in the center and we make our food. Then usually we laze around until we leave to go teaching. Today, I'm going to try and take to stains off my shirts - if I'm lucky.

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