Monday, March 30, 2015

Yet More Horses and Temptations

61365, 36.81. We saw some horses the other day. It was on a horse farm or something. Elder Hubbard was pretty happy. It was a lot of horses. And, the temptations: I received my birthday package and the presents have been staring at me this entire week. Also, in the package, I got a box of brownie mix. I wanted to make peanut butter brownies. I had looked at my presents and I determined what three were, a bar of toblerone, a tie and a bottle of peanut butter. So I opened the last one just to find that it was not, in fact, peanut butter, but "european cookie spread". I was quite confused. I tried it and it was pretty strange at first, but turns out, I like it. I made the brownies normal style and they were pretty delicious. Other than that, our week was pretty normal... Sorry...

Love you all! Until next week!

-Elder Michael Carlson

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