Monday, April 6, 2015


82136, 49.28. IT'S MY BIRFDAY! I have eaten cake and opened presents, so it's official. This past week was very full. One thing I must explain is the Brazilian way of celebrating Easter. The Easter Sunday isn't really that important, it's the entire passion week. So, all week long, nobody can eat meat, just fish. I'm not really sure why but it's a thing. And, everyone gets really drunk on wine instead of beer. Then, on Sunday, instead of having plastic eggs filled with candy hidden around the house, they just have one really big chocolate egg that they give to the children. Not nearly as fun. So, after much tribulation, we finally had Carla's baptism. We were going to have it on Saturday at 7 after the Conference sessions, but when we went to look at the water we had put in the font that morning, it was all gone! There was another Elder that had had a baptism between the two sessions and he had drained all the water. And, the water rationing had started, so we couldn't just fill it up again... The next day, we found out that the church has a very large water storage system, so we were able to fill the font. But then two other missionaries also had baptisms, but they hadn't prepared anything. So, instead of going with the program that we had already planned, they decided to throw it away and make everything up on the spot. It was very stressful and frustrating. But, now it's done. Conference was really good though. Talked a lot about marriage and how to avoid worldly fear. I learned quite a lot. One funny thing: When President Monson talked about his story of his mission interview, I thought to myself, "Have I had the ministring of angels?" The answer came quite rapidly: Just my parents!

Love you all!

-Elder Michael Carlson

[In a separate email, Michael told us what he was planning to do for his birthday today]

Tonight we're going to a pizza place and I'm going to eat their pizza buffet for free! (my favorite)

[We also asked him about transfers next week]

President made a rule that missionaries are going to stay in their areas for at least 6 months, so I'm 95% sure that I'm going to end my mission here.

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