Monday, April 20, 2015


111485 steps, 66.89 km. Well, this week was quite interesting. We have been trying to get this area off the ground but we ran into trials very early on. My companion got dengue and couldn't leave the house for 3 days. So I left with members every day. Which was quite good. Also, we've been trying to find people to teach but most everybody here is decidedly Catholic. It is quite hot here. Church was good though. Even if it was quite small. We were able to bring quite a few people to church and from what I heard they all liked it. To explain the photos: The first one is at a pizza buffet for my birthday. The man on the right is a member who helped us out all the time. On my plate is banana pizza. Who'da thought? The second one is us with the bishop of my past ward. He was pretty awesome. The third is a picture of a little lizard I found in the apartment. They're everywhere here in brazil.

Have a great week!

-Elder Michael Carlson

[Michael received his flight itinerary this week. He will arrive home on July 3. Woohoo!!!]

[We asked Michael about the ward in Queimadas. He said:]

Yesterday, the attendance was 58 people. It's a small ward. We meet in an apartment-style building. A lot of the leadership is from 18 year-olds. It's mostly the young people who are active in the church.

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