Monday, April 27, 2015

What a Trunky Week

85092 steps, 51.05 km. So, to start off the week, I got my flight plan to go home. Then, a sister misisonary from this ward got home and I saw her take off her nametag. Then I heard her homecoming talk. I was just thinking about when that'll be me, in 2 months. But, it was a pretty good week overall. It rained a couple days, which was quite needed and also helped to cool down the rest of the week. One other thing, a member gave me a physics book in Portuguese for me to study. So, I've been studying it for my language study and it's been quite fun. I've learned a lot. This past week, we've really just been trying to find good people to teach. One really cool experience: We went to visit a man (less-active) 2 weeks ago. He was drunk and being threatened by his wife with a knife. It was a kinda scary situation. This week, he came to church, dressed up with a tie and everything and hadn't had a drink for a week. He looked really happy. It makes everything worth it when you can see the difference you make in people's lives.

Love you all!

-Elder Michael Carlson

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