Monday, May 4, 2015

Happy Star Wars Day!

80204, 48.12. So, I am convinced that the mail system here in Brazil is directly controlled by God. He holds back the letters for exactly when we need them. This past week, I was the envy of all the missionaries, receiving a grand total of 16 letters! I was in much need of that love, so it was very good. Also, Matt sent me a talk titled, "Is It Worth It?" Which, not only did I need to read but an investigator that we have really needed to hear the message it contained. Another funny thing that happened: I got a bit sick. It was a nasty cold, so I went to the hospital, like Sister told me to. When I got there, I had to wait over an hour just to talk to the doctor. I told him my symptoms, runny nose, headache, weakness. He told me that I had a virus and I would take an IV, then take a day of rest. It was the first IV of my life. They're kinda obsessed with them here. They say, oh you have a cold? Take an IV. Oh, you got hit by a car? Take an IV. Your son is sick? Take an IV. It wasnt too bad but it took a while. Then the day after, I had to stay inside, which was pretty weird. I think its one of the only times I've stayed inside because I was sick. It was a very full week.


-Elder Michael Carlson

[A note of explanation: We have a family joke on the 4th day of the month saying 'May the fourth be with you' instead of 'May the force be with you'.]

[Michael shared a couple more things with us in a separate email. The first was that he had a good meeting with the mission president this past week and that he 'enjoyed it quite a lot'. One of the things his mission president told him was that 'The more difficult your mission is, the more blessings you will receive afterwards.' Michael also told us about the young man who is the Ward Mission Leader in their ward. He's preparing to serve a mission himself so he helps the full-time missionaries quite a lot.]

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