Monday, April 13, 2015

Yet Another Week in the Mission

84576 steps 50.74 km. Well, my 95% certainty that I would stay apparently wasn't enough. I got transferred. I don't know why. From all my areas, I've stayed in one for more than 2-3 months. And that one was in the United States. The past week was a hard one. We finished my birthday without much celebration, we saw a horse farm and watched a horse lose his man parts. Very interesting and quite gross. We went through the week, visiting with a bunch of people and letting Elder Hubbard say bye to them. Then, Sunday evening, against all odds, came the call that I would be transferred. I am now in a small city outside of Campina Grande called Queimadas, which being interpreted is "burned ones". It really lives up to its name. It is quite hot here. My companion, Elder Gonzalez is from Chile and has a year on the mission. I am also living with Elder Clark (from Utah) and Elder Loaiza. We live in a very small apartment with bunk beds and no water. I am loving my life...

Love ya,

-Elder Michael Carlson

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