Monday, March 9, 2015

Half a Week but Quite Busy

100466 steps or 60.27 km. So, despite being just half a week, we had quite a few things to do. First off, I experienced my first thunderstorm here in Brazil. It just kind of happened. I was unaware that they had them here. Then we went to a rodeo (my companion is a straight up cowboy), where we watched people on horses grabbing cow tails and using the tails to roll them to the ground. It was pretty intense. Then, right afterward, we helped someone with a move-in. I carried lots of heavy things. Then, the next day, we (the four misisonaries) cleaned the entire big church that 3 wards meet in, completely alone. It was a lot of work. I'm still a little sore from it. Then, the next day, I got a package from home with s'mores ingredients, so we had a s'mores party. The 2 non-americans in my house were like, "we have no idea why we're eating this crazy creation, but it's delicious!" It was a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed it. Then, on Sunday, we went to church. It was good. I was pretty lost the entire time. I had no idea who was who, but the classes were good.Well, that's about the summary of my half-week.

Love you all, until the next!

-Elder Michael Carlson

[In a separate email, Michael told us that the four missionaries in his current area live in an apartment above a construction/grocery store. We're not sure what a contraction/grocery store is but we'll ask him that next week.]

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