Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I'm in Campina Grande, in Campina Grande

99329 steps with 59.59 KMs. I have nearly no time left, sorry. I have 22 emails in my inbox, which was very nice. Thanks all of you. I forgot my camera but I do have pictures to send. I got transferred today. To the area Campina Grande. I'm still junior companion. I still haven't met my companion. I got a package this past week and I made cookies with some Reese's Pieces that were inside. They were very good cookies. I saw a shirt this past week. A little old woman was wearing it and it said, "partying is good for you!" I thought it was pretty good. We had a barbeque on our roof as a goodbye party for Elder Georgianna. Oh, we also had 3 baptisms this past Sunday. All at the same time. It was all kind of last minute but it was all very good. I'll send pictures on Monday. Promise. I thank my Grandparents and parents for all their letters, which are all very appreciated. There were some from June 11. That was pretty crazy. Blast from the past. I was the envy of every missionary at the meeting, with my 9 letters and a box. I must leave now.

Until Monday!

-Elder Michael Carlson

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